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Luka Budimir Januar 2023 Neue Bildserie
Künstler Luka Budimir – Neue Bildserie

Die Neue Bildserie von Januar 2023 jetzt im Online-Shop

Hier findest du die aktuellen Arbeiten von Luka. Die Titel der Bilder geben ein wenig Aufschluss über die Ideen und Gedanken, die in den Kunstwerken verankert sind.

Wie gewohnt kreativ und immer für eine Überraschung zu haben, nimmt uns der Maler Luka Budimir mit seiner Kunst auf eine interessante Reise und Erfahrung, die für jeden eine individuelle Wahrnehmung erzeugen.

Alle Bilder sind Unikate und sind ab Januar 2023 hier im Online-Shop verfügbar.

Verwendete Materialien: Erstellt in Acrylfarbe auf Leinen.

Das Passepartout hat einen Rand von jeweils 3 Zentimetern. So ergibt sich ein Bildmaß, welches real horizontal wie vertikal in der Gesamtwirkung um 6 Zentimeter reduziert ist.

Versand in Zentraleuropa und Verpackung inkludiert.

Bleibt fasziniert! Euere Sandra

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Sandra Sachsenhauser
THE FOG Limitierter Kunstdruck

Die Nebelsaison – Eine unsichtbare Seite von Dubai

2005 zog die Künstlerin nach Dubai, einem der sieben Emirate der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, und lebte dort 12 Jahre. Aus diesem Grund hat sie unzählige Bilder dieses fantastischen Ortes geschaffen, der sich in dieser Zeit rasant weiterentwickelt und verändert hat. Ein überwältigendes Erlebnis war jedes Jahr die Nebelsaison. Dank einer wunderbaren Fotografen-Community bekam sie die Chance, den Cayan Tower und den Princess Tower in der Dubai Marina zu betreten, um dieses Spektakel über den Wolken zu erleben und zu fotografieren.

Limitierter Kunstdruck ‚The Fog‘

Das prämierte Kunstwerk „The Fog“ der Dubai Skyline von der Künstlerin Sandra Sachsenhauser ist ein im traditionellen Rundsiebverfahren hergestelltes Aquarellpapier mit einer für die FineArt Anwendung optimierten Beschichtung.

Das weiße Baumwollpapier ist frei von optischen Aufhellern und besticht durch seine einmalige Haptik und Oberflächentextur. Die feine, dennoch stark ausgeprägte Filzstruktur des Echt-Büttenpapiers verleiht Fotografien und Kunstreproduktionen eine bestechende Tiefe und Dreidimensionalität.

Die matte Premium-Inkjet-Beschichtung garantiert ein exzellentes Druckergebnis mit hervorragender Farb- und Detailwiedergabe, eindrucksvollen Kontrasten und tiefem Schwarz. William Turner ist säure- und ligninfrei und erfüllt höchste Anforderungen an die Alterungsbeständigkeit.

Die charakteristische Haptik und Struktur sorgt für außergewöhnliche und effektvolle FineArt- und Kunstreproduktionen mit künstlerischen Flair.

Limitierte Auflage

Das Original von Sandra Sachsenhauser gibt es in der limitierten Kunstdruckauflage von 10 Stück im Store .

Format 60 x 50 cm. Außenmaße 62 x 52 cm (1 cm Weißrand)

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Sandra Sachsenhauser
Rudi Junior the Abstract Art Artist is also a Musician and Composer

Rudi Junior, born to German parents in Algeria is a self-taught musician and painting artist, which loves to perform his art out of the blue. Painting and music go hand with his creations and improvisations, himself and spectators might have a same perception. By Rudi’s experience, there’s is no concept except the total chaos that tries to anchor in the roots of hefty vibrations. These derives from meditation, chanting mantras and riding the mountains of Northern Thailand with his dirt bike.

Hotel Management Switzerland – Job offer to Thailand

Rudi Junior is graced and challenged with numerous life stages and stop overs. He went to SHL Lucerne, one of the most prestigious Hotel Management Schools of the world. A job offer took him to Thailand and ever since he calls the Kingdom of Siam his home. One might call it fate or destiny, maybe the location, the deepening and intensity for his love to painting and music substantialized.

Rudi Junior is Versatile Art

Leaving the current job to open a Pub with his fiancé was another step of an exciting journey. The popularity of this Pub grew to the expat and the local community. Many artists showcased there, and the ‘crazy pub’ is now a revolving art display the time. Rudi was able to sell his own art pieces on a reasonable bases to make a living out of this. The operative challenges with neighbors, due to the weekly jam session intensified and did not go well. The live music at the venue stopped. Rudi lost interest in the Pub and went dark in terms of creativity. Hanging around with drunk people and no opportunity to make music was the experience of these days and it felt like he was swallowed by the black hole. Ready for a change.

Back from Laos

Back from Laos Rudi was meeting love and the mother of his son Oskar. He started playing music again and got together with K. Schulz, a good drummer, a longtime friend. They founded the ‘Funkin‘ Donuts’, the funk band with the soulful singer L. Brown. A lot of gigs around Northern Thailand and recorded album that became popular with the local crowd. As the singers had to leave for the U.S. after two years together in this project O. Benjamin and the rest of the Band tried to find a replacement, however the project stalled.

Teaming Up with International Artists

K. Schulz and Rudi Junior spent lots of time, uncounted hours, in the studio, writing loads of songs and out of a sudden there was ‘Link’, an Afro American Bass Player and Vocalist. Immediately Rudi and K. saw the potential and started creating an album after few months of work. Unfortunately, Rudi and K. could not bring up a live performance of that band, because Link ran into some unforeseen circumstances, which forced him to return to the U.S. K. started working on Reggae projects and Rudi held onto jamming with friends for a while. His good friend and bass player A. Audsley came back from the U.K and they jammed a few gigs here and there. At some point, they played with a band in a Hollywood Movie, featuring Tom Behringer (Look it up on the internet, maybe you get lucky).

Jazz Club in Chiang Mai

Just for instance and the next thing A. Audsley convinced Rudi to join and jam in a Jazz Club in Chiang Mai. It was love at first sight. The first real jazz club in Chiang Mai, unbelievable! The crowd was crazy, the vibes cool and the talent s performing there just outstanding. R. Imbach invited him to join the house band ‘Kantoke Jazz Ensemble’. Following years of good fun and experimental jazz music. Rudi got in touch with many new talents, and it was always thrilling to play there without being able to read a single note.

Y. Warong with Boonhugsa and Rudi the Keyboard Player

This new band in town with that outstanding Pin Player from the Northeastern Area of Thailand. Y. Warong with Boonhugsa. Rudi was blown away by the beat and feel of that music. After jamming with Boonhugsa, Rudi became their keyboard player. This quite popular gig, because of the unique approach of music, soon it was featured on local TV and small series. The songs and the music of Isarn cultural background was introduced with the bio of each musician involved.

Album recording on at Rudi’s Studio on Huay Keaw Road

​ Almost the same time evolved that Alukomarai wrote and recorded an album at Rudi’s studio on Huay Keaw Road. Now under the lead of P. Pharadhon the band took off like a rocket. The Japanese band manager Tomo came into play and arranged a tour in Thailand and Malaysia and the band even took a flight to Nepal to perform on the ‘Kathmandu Jazz Festival’ featuring the Main Act Ari Hoenig.


Taking a Break

The music art activity with Boonhugsa and Alukomarai continued until Rudi’s life partner died of cancer. He stopped playing music at this point and took care of his 3-year-old son. For some time, he did not return to music and art activities.
A single parent for some time, in 2019 Rudi Junior returned to the restaurant business with his soul mate Jeab. They opened the ‚Baan Suan Rim Nahm‘, a riverside resaurant which features a small gallery and an ‘Open-Mic-Nights’ during the week.

No Worries – Rudi is Back

Stay inspired!

Sandra Sachsenhauser

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Sandra Sachsenhauser